Techniques used in the practice


The diversified technique is the most commonly used chiropractic treatment; it involves the manipulation and adjustment of the spinal column and/or extremities. It is called the Diversified Technique because it is a combination of the best techniques from other methods of manipulation.

I also adjust extremities such as the wrist and ankle whereas many chiropractors do not.


Thompson Drop

This is a specific chiropractic method and is a variation of the Diversified technique that uses a special table with several segments called drop pieces. These segments can be cocked up a fraction of an inch, so when the thrust is delivered, the table will drop this fraction of an inch increasing the velocity of the adjustment. The object of the drop is to distract (open) the joint during the adjustment. The drop pieces assists the thrust, while minimizing the force required for the adjustment. This makes for a much more comfortable adjustment.


Cox Flexion Distraction

This is a specific chiropractic technique that uses mechanical and hands-on manipulation utilizing a special table where the spine is tractioned and flexed forward. This technique is primarily utilized to treat cervical and lumbar disc herniations, non-disc spinal disorders, and to increase mobility of spinal joints.


S.O.T. (Sacro-occipital Technique)

This is a specific chiropractic technique that uses triangular-shaped blocks usually placed under the pelvis of the prone patient to treat problems identified in the low back. Low force, slow pressure types of manipulations/adjustments may be used to address joint problems. SOT is mostly used in combination with other techniques in our practice



The focus of the Gonstead adjustment is to be as specific, precise and accurate as possible to provide the most accurate and painless adjustment possible. It is the goal of your Gonstead doctor to restore and maintain optimal health by locating and correcting any interference to the nervous system caused by vertebral misalignments.

Dr Gonstead was a trained mechanical engineer who realized that the body’s foundation is formed by the pelvic girdle. When this or any of the vertebrae making up the spinal column become tilted or out of alignment, dramatic changes can occur in the body that may result in pain and decreased health.

I am not a pure Gonstead chiropractor but I do use his principles when adjusting patients.


Adjusting instrument (often referred to as an Activator)

This is a hand-held, spring-loaded instrument-based manipulation/adjustment protocol. Instead of the manipulating/adjusting forces being delivered by hand, force is generated with the small appliance that delivers a lighter, but quicker, thrust than can be delivered by hand. Activator can be used as a primary treatment protocol or a selective method for patients who may not desire manual manipulation/adjustment or where manual manipulation/adjustment may be contraindicated. The aim is to produce enough force to move the vertebrae, but not enough to cause injury